Sunday, December 20, 2009

Keeping Toastee in the Snow

Well, this weekend we got hit with the big snowstorm in the North East US. We got more snow this weekend than we usually do in an entire winter! Mr. Toastee was so excited to see snow falling on Saturday morning, that he put his Cincinnati Bengals scarf on and ran outside....and got buried in the snow ^_^
Since it was snowing so much and my car was pretty much buried, we decided to stay home and do some baking:

Mr. Toastee was a big help. He was in charge of the recipe:

We made a TON of cookies:

Sunday morning, the sun was out and the snow finally stopped. We dug out the cards and made snow angels and snow toastees in the snow ^_^

1 comment:

  1. Oh! Mr Toastee!
    It's so nice to see you again!
    Except...maybe you don't wanna hear from me? 'cuz i live in
    SAN DIEGO!!!
    (oops- sorry - that just kinda slipped out)
    Loved your post.
    Merry Christmas!!
